■ Convert Map Tilesets and Character Assets into RPG Maker Unite Standards through Official Tool PiXel ScaLer

In response to the passionate demands from RPG Maker users that are eager to convert or create custom assets, we are releasing what we currently can to the community! Please find them in our Dev Log #3 on Steam Community! Naturally, this means graphical assets-visual components that make up a game-would need to follow a new standard to be compatible. RPG Maker Unite‘s default resolution is set at full HD (1920×1080), as was announced previously. ■ Map Asset Standards-Now Mostly Available in Dev Log #3 Make Side-View battles more heated than ever, by adding more frames and / or more awesome animations! Animation examples for default character assets. Example of side-view battle animation Asset standards. Example of field character animation asset standard. Unlock your imagination with RPG Maker Unite as it is time to make your game characters more vivid and lively than ever! In RPG Maker Unite, this limitation no longer exists, and users can now freely create and specify the number of frames and how it is animated, as long as the animation files stay within the maximum image size! In previous RPG Maker titles at its default state, character animations were limited to a maximum of three patterns due to various design limitations. Animation patterns will become variable!